Desert truffle biodiversity, biology, ecology, and mycorrhizal connection in Morocco
biodiversity, biochemistry, desert truffles, mycorrhizal association, taxonomyAbstract
In Morocco, there are many different types of desert truffles, including Terfezia, Tirmania, Delastria, Picoa, and Tuber. The Maamora Forest, Doukkala-Abda Sahel, northeast of Morocco, and the Moroccan Sahara are the four truffle regions where the geographical distribution of these ascomycetes has been noted most frequently. In addition to being a great source of protein, amino acids, carbon hydrates, and fiber, desert truffles are also regarded as a valuable source of antibiotic alternatives for pathogenic bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. Due to the widespread appreciation of truffles, we could use these resources to develop local populations, especially in truffle-producing regions. The biodiversity of desert truffles in Morocco and other Maghreb countries is one of the characteristics of truffles that are briefly discussed in this paper review. Ecology, biology, geographical spread, and final considerations include the mycorrhizal association of truffles, biochemistry, and physiology.
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