Analysis of antibiotic resistance genes in Pseudomonas strains associated with plants: A computational investigation
antibiotic resistance genes, in silico, plant-associated bacteria, PseudomonasAbstract
The species of the genus Pseudomonas are an important part of the microbiota associated with plants. These species can be beneficial to the host plant by promoting its growth, and by protecting it against diseases, but they can also have a phytopathogenic effect. The genus Pseudomonas and especially the species P. aeruginosa is classified among the pathogenic species, that are multi-resistant to antibiotics due to the possession of a large number of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). Therefore, the risk of contamination of crops by these genes is real and likely to present a danger in terms of human health. In this study, the genomic sequences of 21 strains of Pseudomonas associated with plants were in silico analyzed to assess the number and diversity of ARGs. A number of 63 ARGs belonging to seven different species were detected among the studied gnomes. The phylogenetic and the physicochemical properties of the proteins encoded by these genes were analyzed. The interaction network of the studied genes has been established; it shows great connectivity between the genes involved in the different systems of antibiotic efflux in Pseudomonas.
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